The Vernal Equinox has roused me from my blogging slumber.  Not that I have been hibernating through the winter, rather the Reimers Family (Charlotte branch) has been so busy that blogging just had to wait.  In addition to all my other responsibilities, I have begun working as a substitute teacher for our local school district on Mondays.  I hope to gain some experience and meet some people so that when I am ready to teach full-time my name will already be known.

Here is what we've been up to:

In January, we enjoyed a no-children evening with Michelle and Scott and our friends Kim and John at our house. We ate three courses of fodue, the best of which was, of course, the chocolate fondue.  I experimented with a small piece of Rice-Krispie treat stuffed inside a giant sized marshmallow, roasted over an open fire then dipped in the chocolate fondue.  The experiment was a huge success; it tasted great.  After dinner we played some Apples to Apples without interruptions from kids.

Once in January, then again in February, we enjoyed visiting with my sister-in-law, Jenny, who flew in from Colorado to visit her family.  I know she misses being close to them and is looking forward to her eventual return to her Carolina home.

In February, I escorted Camden to the aquatic-themed Daddy-Daughter Dance at her school.  Highlights included: the girls storming the stage; a mid-dance plundering of the decorations; girls singing and screaming and boogieing; and fathers standing around, stuffing their faces, and taking pictures...A good time was had by all.

Also in February, we visited our friends Eve and Mike at their house just across the border, in South Carolina.  Their second son, Nate, was born in November, so it was our first time seeing him.  Tristan and Sam enjoyed playing with their older son, Jack, while Camden spent the whole visit upstairs with the dogs and Will made it a point to stay away from the dogs.

Last weekend, we experienced our first St. Patrick's Day Parade in uptown Charlotte.  The kids loved it.  Camden was happy to see all of the dogs and horses in the parade and Tristan was simply spell-bound by the entire spectacle.  I liked the Civil War re-enactors and the group dressed up in Star Wars costumes.  Andrea was happy to find a booth that sold teriyaki chicken, vegetable fried rice, and egg rolls so that she wouldn't have to eat hot dogs and deep-fried potato chips like the rest of us.  Another plus for Andrea--the line at her booth was also significantly shorter.

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