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We are all back to work and school after a wonderful weekend of beautiful weather and greatly missed visitors.  My mother, Sandi, and my grandparents, Bob and Nancye, drove up from Florida to see the grandchildren, including Michael, who flew in from Germany with my sister in-law, Laura(See their blog- Fentress Family).  We even got to spend some time with Laura's parents, Don and Vicki, on Sunday.  The kids had a blast playing together and we were all entertained watching them.  We can't wait until November, when all the little cousins will be together for the first time on Thanksgiving.  

Tristan's spring preshool pictures are online. We won't be purchasing any since we bought the fall picture, but you can check them out if you want.  His Tuesday/Thursday class pictures are on page 2 and his Monday/Wednesday/Friday class pictures are on page 9.
Norm Hill Photography  Password: sharon

Tristan, 21 months, climbs the rock wall on our playground.  One day I looked away while he was playing and the next thing I knew he was at the top.
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Well, Spring Break is over. Tomorrow we all go back to school and work. Camden had a great time at the beach with her mom and Grammy last weekend. On Wednesday, we drove down to Seneca, South Carolina to visit Andrea’s friend, Katrina, from high school. Katrina and her husband, Eric, recently moved from Wisconsin for Eric’s new job so now Andrea can see her friend more often. We took a wonderful hike along the shores of Lake Jocassee at Devils Fork State Park. The lake was virtually free of development and the water was crystal clear in the shallows. I would love to kayak on it some day.

Camden and Tristan had fun playing with Katrina’s sons Ian, 4, and Brendan, almost 2. We spent the night, so the kids got extra play time Thursday morning. We even got to pet some horses that live on the lot across the street from their house.

This weekend was spent getting ready for the coming week. Andrea worked on grading her students’ problem solution essays. I worked on several outdoor projects including extending my grape trellis, planting shrubs, repainting our deck bench, spraying the pollen and dirt off the deck, and mowing the yard. Tristan played, ate and slept. Camden was at her mom’s house again.

We can’t wait for next weekend’s visitors to arrive!