
For the grandparents out there who love the stats, Tristan is now 35.5 in. (80th percentile) for height, 28.2 lbs (50th percentile) for weight, and 19 5/8 in. (80th percentile) for head circumference. He's a big boy! The doctor said he is ahead in his speech and physical coordination!

We celebrated Tristan's 2nd birthday on Saturday, June 26! We kicked things off with a little fun in the sun at the YMCA outdoor pool! Tristan got lots of giggles from squirting my Uncle John with his Toy Story water squirter. Our neighbors, Jose and Johannes, got workouts flipping and throwing all the older kids into the water.

Then we came back to our house for some of Justin's awesome smoked pork and turkey, carrot salad, pasta salad, veggies (or debris as Sandi calls it), and mouthwatering watermelon brought by my Aunt Beth and Uncle John. When we started singing "Happy Birthday," Tristan seemed surprised that we were singing to him -- but fully enjoyed getting to blow out his two candles on his "beachball" cake.

After cake, the kids enjoyed playing with the balloons, trading the Silly Bands in their treat bags, and playing with Tristan's new basketball net. It's hilarious hearing Tristan say in his baby voice, "Ah, m-a-a-a-an! Missed!" when the basketball doesn't make it in the basket.
Well, school is out for the summer. Andrea is working today-her last teacher workday. I go back to work at TelWare tomorrow, although I get next week off while Andrea attends a workshop, after that I'll be back to work for the summer. Preschool has been out since the end of May and Camden's homework was minimal last week, so we spent some time at the new playground at Reedy Creek Park's Nature Center, swimming in the kiddie pool on our deck and swimming at the Y. The kids start swimming lessons next week at the Y. Here are some pictures from last week:


We had a great long-weekend.  Unfortunately we forgot to bring the camera along with us, so no pictures with this post...sorry.  On Saturday, we took the kids to the pool at the Y.  Tristan was scared of all the sprayers in the shallows and took a while to get used to them, but Camden had a blast.  They both start swimming lessons on Thursdays after school ends. Saturday evening, we went to Andrea's friend Tamara's birthday party.  Her family is always so inviting and friendy when we go to their parties.  We had a great time.  We can't wait until their family association's annual Christmas party.  It is always a lot of fun.  On Sunday we went to another birthday party for our neighbor, Cecilia.  She has a daughter, Vanessa, who is exactly four months younger than Tristan and a niece and nephew close to Camden's age.  The kids had a great time playing Nintendo Wii and running around outside.  We enjoyed some great food and adult conversation.  On Monday, we drove up to Hickory to visit Andrea's Aunt Beth and Uncle John.  Andrea's sister, Michelle, and her family, as well as Andrea's cousin, Kathy, and her daughter, Casey, drove up as well.  Despite the rainy weather, we were able to take a boat ride on the the lake during a lull after enjoying a tasty lasagne lunch.  We can't wait to go up again on a sunny day.